Breeder listings are posted to the WVCA Website for a term of 12 months: June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026. Any application received after the start date of June 1, 2025 can be added, but all listings will expire at the end of the term (May 31, 2026).
The main page of the breeder listing shows breeders in alphabetical order by region: Western, Central, and Eastern. When breeder names are clicked on they will show a pop up photo ad with details for that breeder. (See example above.) Ads will be posted with a uniform size and look, kennel information, 3 photos provided by the breeder, and contact information.
Specific litters, dogs, or puppies may not be advertised. It is expected that potential puppy owners will make contact with potential breeders and it is not the purpose of our breeder listings to advertise specific litters or puppies.
Ad proofs will be provided to breeders for approval prior to posting. After posting to the website, updates/edits to listings will only be allowed at the next renewal term except for removal at the breeder's request. There are no refunds for any listings posted. All listings will be removed at the end of the current term. Renewal options will be posted in April of 2026.
Breeder listings are $100 for the term of the listing period described above. Prorated fees will not be provided for late applications. When paying by PayPal, a $4 convenience fee is added to offset our costs.